ജലവിഭവ വികസന വിനിയോഗ കേന്ദ്രം
General Rules
Library is open on all working days from 10 am to 5 pm.
Members are required to sign in the gate register and deposit their bags/belongings at the entrance. Personal belongings are not permitted inside the Library.
Library sends overdue reminders, reservation intimation etc. only to the mail id of the borrower.
Non-receipt of an alert is no reason to hold a document beyond due date or demanding a reserved document after claim period.
If a book is lost, the borrower must replace it with its latest edition. If the borrower is unable to replace the book, the current price plus 2/3rd penal charge will be levied from the borrower. If the books are out of print, the price will be fixed according to the discretion of the Librarian, taking into account the importance, demand and rarity of the book.
Readers are requested not to replace the book / journals after use on the racks.
Strict silence, decorum and cleanliness should be maintained in the library
Using of mobile phone is strictly prohibited.
The librarian has all rights to recall the issued books if required.
Membership is restricted to CWRDM staff.
Membership to the library is offered to the Scientist, Technical Officers, and Technical Assistants, Project fellows, Research Scholars and Administrative staff. They are requested to submit an application. To download the Membership form.
Reference Access
Reference services are provided to academicians, Research scholars and students from other academic institutions/universities. They are requested to bring their identity cards with prior permission from the Director.
Research Scholars /Dissertation Students/ Internship Students who are doing research under CWRDM are provided reference service from the library. To download the Reference form,